Page name: Fake Goths [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-09 [Lost in Illusions]: it's not ending any certain way. It's only just begun, darling.

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: may I watch?

2005-07-09 [Lost in Illusions]: it'll only begin if she begins it, but if you wish, you may.

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: yay! I like watching, even if nothing happens, I can say I watched it happen.

2005-07-09 [cuntstitches]: Piss off, Yoshie. The end. You have been rejected, so don't bother joining.

2005-07-09 [Lost in Illusions]: thanks. That's all I was going to say.

2005-07-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: OOOOooooooo *hands spongemonkey some popcorn and skittles and sits in the corner*

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: may i just ask... did she even tell you what she thought goth was or did you just say that because of her name?

2005-07-10 [Lost in Illusions]: it's on her page, supposedly, but it just looks like another one of those newspaper articles that tell people what goth should be and that's what annoys the shit out of me.

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: oooh. didn't see that. but, what happens if that is what she thinks? i've never seen you explain what YOU think goth is, and you are not on the member list.

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: in a non offensive way :S

2005-07-10 [Lost in Illusions]: I have no definitive opinion of goth, but i love the culture and architecture of the 1800's, typically known as the Victorian/gothic era. Not to mention, there's that whole thing about goths being the ancient germanic tribe.

2005-07-10 [Lost in Illusions]: as I said, I dont have a very big opinion of what goth is, but i do have an opinion of what it's not, and that is the glamourization of the media in movies such as "The Craft" that have portrayed goth as whiny brats wearing all black with pasty skin. Now, as I said, I do love the ancient victorian/goth clothing, culture and architecture, in the 1800's but I dont carry it to the extent where I need to cut myself every other day because daddy doesnt love me and I'll never find love. Now, that probably doesnt make much sense, but as I said I dont have a solid opinion of modern gothic subculture.

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: then maybe you shouldnt be so quick to jugde others? im not saying you are wrong, because there are so many poseurs kicking around. but the cutting thing is not related to goth. be careful what you say about that, some people cut because 'daddy shagged them'. i dont think you have ever been in that position, and if you had, you wouldnt mock them. sure, people who cut as a fashion statement need to be shot, but dont be so general when you shun cutters. you could really do some bad damage, perhaps kill them.

2005-07-10 [Lost in Illusions]: Did I say I shun all cutters? Or reject everyone who seems to fit the profile of a textbook goth. I allow everyone to state their case before judging, as long as they allow me to do the same. I'm also not saying that all cutters only cut because "daddy doesnt love me." Again, that's the stereotype of goth based on the glamourization of the media through movies, which is what I cant stand.

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: so true, but you made it sounds like all poseurs cut. which is untrue. as an excutter myself, i would understand. but, that really was because nobody loved me, and it is a horrendously storng feeling to cope with alone. but you are right.

2005-07-10 [Lost in Illusions]: I'm suffocating where I sit and have been rejected by every person I've tried approaching. I could list plenty more, but that would just send me into emo-mode woudnt it? I understnad how a few people may be licensed to cut, and I understand their reasoning, but if I can live in a place where I am the posterboy for everything wrong in society, then I think a few others can deal with a little unrequited love.

2005-07-10 [prima rosa]: then shouldnt instead of that, be trying to help thm get through it? but then again, this isnt really any of my buisness. emos, hey, dont you just LOVE them? lol, the other night i was at a 24 hour musicathony thingy with my church, and me and my friend made emo songs at 2 in the morning. awesome

2005-07-10 [Grey Eyes]: Hmm...see, the only issue with helping them through it, is that it encourages them to do it more...because they recognize it as a way to get attention. I'm not saying all people do that...but I know quite a few people who take minor drama...and push it over the edge and make it seem as though it's the crisis of their lives. So they have this stupid reason, but they make it sound fancy, and then cut themselves or inflict injury so they get your attention, and that's teaching them a bad habbit =/ *is speaking from experience...knows alot of morons* But yeah. I like to take the worship songs and make them hardcore XD

2005-07-11 [prima rosa]: the people who do it for real, who you give help, dont do it like that, because they are NOT doing it for attention primarily. yeah, it was so funny, it was like, 'yesterdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, i broke up with my GIRLFREEEEEEEEEND, i have no place to go, ooooooh, im so emo!'

2005-07-11 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah I know, I've encountered a few whom do it for real...which is try I tried to make the general group...or the fakers...clear o-o as to whom I was reffering. Okay, this kinda relates but mostly doesn't, but a friend and I were going through the comcast on demand music...and we found this hardcore rock song where all they did was parade around the stage screaming "SEX AND VIOLENCE!" So my friend and I turned it all happy into 'Hearts and Ponies' uh, sorry if this comment appears too many computer is feeling rather emo-ish and suicidal >.>

2005-07-11 [prima rosa]: my computor is an emo. *mutters*. self harm in general is such a shite. i wish it wasnt there.

2005-07-11 [Lost in Illusions]: This computer is being arrogant.. thinking it can do everything in the world, then it freezes up. My personal computer (this one is in my office) is a risk-taker... has probably at least 2 viruses, yet it's still truckin' I need to find the reformat disk so I can get all those yucky things off... yeah, I'll have to reinstall everything except what was there, but as long as I got my internet, I can deal with that ^^';

2005-07-11 [prima rosa]: god damn viruses. they need to be shot. then, shot again.

2005-07-11 [Lost in Illusions]: yes. *shoots computer* there.. dead computer, dead viruses. =) *smiles innocently*

2005-07-12 [Grey Eyes]: This reminds me of this one StrongBad email XD

2005-07-12 [spongemonkey]: which one? :3 I wubbles da strongbad.

2005-07-12 [Grey Eyes]: Umm..."virus" where his computer has 400000 viruses, and everything is going Bubs shoots StrongBads computer with Homestars leg o-o

2005-07-12 [spongemonkey]: :D I love it!!!

2005-07-12 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...I like when homestar starts grabbing the words and StrongBad says "Hey wait! You're not supposed to be able to do that!"

2005-07-18 [popeyethecat]: There's always been this attack on 'fake goths', I'm kinda confused though. What defines a fake goth?

2005-07-18 [Spanakopida]: Someone who is not a goth, yet claims to be.

2005-07-18 [Lost in Illusions]: I really think that, in today's society (especially in America) there is no definite subculture of gothic, only what is left over from the visigothic ages way back before the midieval times or a fan cosplay of sorts based on the Victorian/gothic ages of the late 1800's. in this wiki's sense, we are simply just attacking those that glorify the Television image of gothic for what they think it is: Whiny brats who cut themselves because "daddy doesnt love them" and whom dress in black 24 hours a day, pretending to call on Satan because "God has abandoned them. It's really quite pathetic what lack of research and overgeneralization will get you. In final, there is no true definition of the>>

2005-07-18 [Lost in Illusions]: gothic subculture generated by the media today, but now you know what isn't a goth, or at leas what shouldnt be.

2005-07-18 [Spanakopida]: Goodness, you're so wordy. :P

2005-07-18 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont mean to be sometimes -_- I just like to get the point across, but that seems to only be done through long sentences and explanations *shrug*

2005-07-19 [Grey Eyes]: I rather like your explanations =3

2005-07-19 [popeyethecat]: "daddy doesn't love me, so I'm going to cut pictures into my arm and say that Satan is my lover" <--hee hee hee. Prats. I've never been to America, so I've no idea how the media portrays Goth there. Mind you, the media are often very stereotypical. "*Ghasp* they're all spying on us! I must cut my wrists open to get my suicidal point a cross! *cut cut cut*" It seems a bit pointless, really. Thanks loads for your explanation! Is the problem worse in America?

2005-07-19 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, and no. They're everywhere.

2005-07-19 [Goldice]: i think everywhere has its masses

2005-07-20 [Lost in Illusions]: [Gabba Gabba Hey] I believe she's been up here before, but this is the first time I actually sat through her house.. poor misguided child... she has a banner up there that says "dont label me... stupid." Sadly, she cant even label herself, thinking that she's a goth because she uses the number 666 fearlessly and loves vampires. Heh. Quite amusing, too.

2005-07-20 [AbLam]: Hey guys, I am back after a fierce trialin the hospital.

2005-07-20 [popeyethecat]: "Don't label me, stupid...GOTH...I can label myself". How utterly....STUPID! I'm sorry, but I'd understand people not wanting to be labeled, because they want to be percieved as themselves, but...this?! And then it says "This is my friend [tarashton] My #2 bitch I love u." Oh, how charming. o.O #2 bitch?! Yeah, what a lovely thing to call someone.

2005-07-20 [Lost in Illusions]: well, some people see it as a compliment or something of a "title" I guess, but then this girl is just being stupid. lets all go pick on her! hehehe.

2005-07-20 [AbLam]: Shouldn't it be "Don't label me GOTH, stupid....I can label myself". Also, there is the fact that she is obviously labelling herself. What a moron!

2005-07-21 [Avoral]: Given that ----> means "take a large pointy spear to", and *cry* means Goths, the statement stands true: I ----> *cry*

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: well, thats kinda the point of the banner "I can label myself" and she puts up what she apparently thinks she is. Of course the "dont label me, stupid goth" makes sense too, since she is a stupid little poseur. =)

2005-07-21 [AbLam]: Well yeah. Have you checked out that wiki, it has a million banners for Goths, Preps, and many, many more...

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: checked it out? I pwned it, byotch! ^_^

2005-07-21 [.that is when the world will end.]: AAAAAAAAAa this dude named [Simply Real] says I am a sinner aan will burn in hell

2005-07-21 [Grey Eyes]: Well, you most likely will dear =3

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: O.o..what i miss?

2005-07-21 [Grey Eyes]: Lots XD But that's okay...more action is yet to come =D

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: wait.. why would he burn in hell? He's actually what Christian dick is looking for. See? What'd I say.. overzealous fucks.

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: O.o..obviously something XD

2005-07-21 [Grey Eyes]: Probably because he's 15 and incorporates 69 into his name o-o

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmm, culd be. Better watch out.. I put that I'm GAY and I'm a FAG in my mood.. O_O I'm so ebil.

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: anyway ....narc you must see the new levi

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: I will check that out, darlin. ^^

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: right tis most sweet but i have to get a trenchcoat so it looks better

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: I want a nice leather trench.. I already have a cotton and I'm about to get a denim... oh, God, this one at Hot Topic (yes, Poseur central) is great.. british designer.. I love it. Must have it, but it's 75$ ugh.

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: i need a straight jacket from there

2005-07-21 [Lost in Illusions]: they dont have those... at least I've never seen them.. I'd rather have a certified one, anyway.. something that could be durable enough to keep myself from escaping from myself.

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: thats what they are they are just expensive

2005-07-21 [Grey Eyes]: *shows off her limited edition Hot Topic straight jacket* =3 They have some decent stuff, some of their jewelry and witty t-shirts are okay. Right now they're having a serious anime thing going on o-o But...for dresses...I still prefer Magical Bead Garden ^^

2005-07-21 [drakkar]: -,-

2005-07-21 [Grey Eyes]: Mwahaha >3 Actually, one of my friends gave it to me...but they put a Marylin Manson patch on it before'm trying to find a way to take that monstrosity off

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: a stitch stripper?

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I love Manson, but I dont do the whole band tshirt/patch/sticker thing.. tacky, to me.. besides, the only way to have a band tshirt is to go to the fucking concert! Yeah, I want a straight jacket!

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: good jacket

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...the whole band t-shirt/patch thing bothers me too...

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I guess the patch/sticker thing is alright, since they're not always given at the concerts, but the concert tee is official swag, and they're just making it worhtless by letting people buy it places like Hot Topic.

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: I like the way you think =3

2005-07-22 [Spanakopida]: None of the bands I like come 'round here. I usually buy band t-shirts and stuff offline, because they don't sell them at Hot Topic either.

2005-07-22 [girl. interrupted.]: Arrg! [Simply Real] is like 'A few years ago, I was okay with my homosexual friends. I was like "to each his own". Now that I walk in the light of God, I realize that deep down, they aren't content and know they are not in the grace of God'. Why would god make us all so different if he wanted us to all be the same?

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: hahahahahahahahaha! That is quite funny. I love these little straight pricks who believe that gay people are only not content with how they are. So amusing. I would like to challenge this boy at a little duel, but I'm not quite in the mood.. I'll work on that, later.

2005-07-22 [girl. interrupted.]: Good idea. He is so full of himself. He's all like 'You're young. You don't know much yet.' He's twenty. How much could he possibly know?

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: XD and the battle begins *star wars music in the background*

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: Oh my x.x That new star wars movie was HORRIBLE!!! Never before have I seen such horrible acting. I swear, they took a vaccum and sucked out all the emotions x.x

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: true

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: Like....when Obi Kanobe saw the video of Anakin killing everyone he said in this monotonous voice "oh no. Yo-da. What do we do. ?"

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: XD twas funny

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: It was great. It made me feel good about my acting skills XD You'd think by then with that kind of technology they'd have better ways of delivering babies x.x

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: XD yeah

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: The best line in the movie was when Darth Vader was screaming "No!" at the end

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Keep smilin keep shining knowing you can always count on me...for sure! That's what friends are foooor! I love that song! I thought the best part was when he's like Where's Padme? in this Darth Vader funny! (I don't know why.....)

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: the no yell was the best

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: well, if you remember Episodes IV,V, and VI, you'd see Obi wan acting the same way.. just laid back and such. *shrugs* I just think Hayden Christiansen is very attractive ^_^

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Me too...I loved the hair. I was like 'nooooooo! the sexy hair!' When it was burned off. :'(

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah... it was pretty sad that he got burnt to a crisp.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: SoB. I know. But that was the only sad part of the entire movie...well except when Padme dies because I heart Natalie Portman! Watch Garden State!

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: I actually got really pissed off when they killed that big lizard thing o-o

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: me to

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: you mean when they shot Obi-wan and that lizard creature down that abyss? yeah, I got all pissed off and twingy when the clones started changing.. I'm just happy that Yoda had Chewbacca ^^

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: I saw the movie with three friends, and when the lizard first came out, I freaked out and got all happy...and then when it died I got really pissed, and all my friends were laughing at me ;_;

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: awww ; . ; *huggles*

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: I miss the lizard ;_;

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: It's okay. *puts hand comfortingly on shoulder*. The lizard is in a good place now.

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: *huggles everyone* *sniffs* So he's okay? ='(

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: *makes a lizard shrine*

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: *blinks* o.-

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: what?

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: I love lizard, I should clone him...and make little lizards...

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: indeed

2005-07-22 [Grey Eyes]: Those things would be so awesome as babies o-o

2005-07-22 [drakkar]: ya

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: o_-'

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Well anyways, I think the time might be right to move on from this subject? Hmmmm?

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Hey anyone know who Ville Valo is?

2005-07-22 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'v never heard HIM and have no will to but he is the lead singer of them. -_-

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Oh....okay then. I thought HIM was just the singer...or something. I agree with the never listening to them though.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: why ever not? there are a really great band. im a bit cautious of their new album though. the heartagram has become so commercial. the album is even going to be called 'dark light'. that just screams pretenciousness. but, then again, their old music was so amazing...

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: I have been turned off from HIM ever since one of my pretentious goth friends was like 'OMG! His Infernal Majesty!' They are a really pretentious band, in my opinion.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: no way. the only pretencious thing connected to them is that bam guy. he has made aspects of HIM pretencious, for example, the heartagram. this new album will well and truly introduce them to the mainstream though. the greatest hits brought them to the mainstream though. before that, noone knew of them. the music is still ace, i tend to like a band for the music, not the image. for example, i am completely in love with cradle of filth's music, but i dislike the 'cyber goth' clothes they wear. i prefer it when they wear more classical things.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Bam....? Who is this mysterious Bam? Hee. Anyways I have never heard Cradle of Filth but I do know who they are. Now their music may not be pretentious but their image definitely is.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: BAM, someone in jackass. cradle of filth's music is beautiful. but, again, they do not have a pretencious image. i dont see how they dont, but they dont. you think they would do with the release of nymphetamine, but, their image has not changed. they are such an inspiration. just because more kiddys like them, doesnt make them pretencious, i think. because, the music on nymphetamine is so good, nymphetamine being the only album these kids will posess, because the older stuff is a lot darker, they do genuinly like it. i dont see how that means the BAND are pretencious. do you get what i mean?

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont know.. I really love H.I.M.'s music, but the image has become so mainstream stereotype.. I can understand that Bam worships them.. a lot of people worship their absolute favourite band. What I cant stand is these idiot goths who worship Bam because he's a "cool" TV and skate star, and because he loves H.I.M. they must to and get everything that he has! ><

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: skating as a whole pisses me off. HIM's music is incredible. Bam, on the other hand, is a toss pot.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: i think im gonna change my screen name. im fed up of fuckheads and cunt messaging me about things salad fingers related. back in a second.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Oooh Bam Margera...okay. I don't know if Crade of Filth's music is pretentious, I never heard it. But I think that their image is pretentious. Heh Heh, I didn't know that there were goths who worshipped Bam Margera! That's I am out of the loop. :[

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: ah, my name is changed. well, im off to bounce on my trampoline. ta ta xxxx

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Anyways, my solution is round up all the whiny HIM obsessed goths and shoot them! Then the problem is gone.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: cradle of filths image is not, and never will be pretencious. its just been the release of nymphetamine that has brought a horde of kiddies crowing over their music, which is in fact incredible. nymphetamine and damnation and a day are two good albums to start off with, as they are not as heavy and offensive as the other ones. the fact that they wear cyber goth clothing is not pretencious in itself, but i have always hated cyber goth wear. it cracks me up.

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont even know who "Hubert Cumberdale" is.. I kinda like Bam.. he's great with his randomness, but I get annoyed with the whole popularity of it and mainstream of these goth kiddies worshipping him because of who he is, or rather how "hot" he is.

2005-07-22 [prima rosa]: yes, and then we can all listen to HIM without being classed along with them.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: What exactly is cyber goth anyways? If Crade of filth's image isn't pretentious now it definitely will be. However, I find the image very pretentious right now. That's just me .

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: that would work. I just say "live and let live" fuck social classes. I wear jeans and a tshirt, but I also wear bondage pants and fishnet.. it's just what I like wearing at the moment.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Uh...bondage pants? What are bondage pants? I like plaid...I wear a lot of plaid. I have plaid converses. Yeaaay!

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: Bondage pants... are the pants with all the straps on them.

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: Yes, they are. I like plaid too, but I dont see myself wearing a lot of it... Anyway, just like I said.. I'm just me and I wear/do/say what I like.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Maybe we just don't have bondage pants in my town. Either way I have never seen them :[ Sad. Oh well. Any plaid ones? ^^

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: ...I wear clothes...

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: Ka-Cheek

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Clothes are good. Many people have them, I've heard.

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: What I mean is I really just don't care about the label. I used to be one of those kids who baught...bought..bought?...whatever.. like hottopic clothes. Then I realized all the people I hung out with were whiners with alot of money...I'm lower mid-class with money so I mean each pair of clothes is like 100 bucks...It was just a waste, I got lucky and figured out early on I'm doing better than alot of people. I'm not living in a box and I'm not starving.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Yeah...we don't even have a Hot Topic store in our town. And I don't think I would shop there even if we did.

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: Good... it's a waste of time and money.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Is it that expensive?

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I like Hot Topic... they actually have some good stuff, for a relatively fair price.. maybe I'm just being stupid and stereotypical, but fuck it.. I wear what I like, and act accordingly.. if that makes me a "goth" in some peoples' eyes, then they're cunt idiots.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: Cunt Idiots?.................^_-

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: Yes, two in one.

2005-07-22 [AbLam]: I see.

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehe, I like the word cunt. I dont know why.. sorry if that's offensive. =X

2005-07-22 [Little Black RainCloud]: Why say sorry? If it offends them they should just go. Ja?

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: yep yep... yeah, I'm working on not giving a shit whether I offend.

2005-07-22 [popeyethecat]: Is Hot Topic an American thing? I've never seen it or really heard of it, though it rings a bell. I think, if clothes are well made, and you like it alot, it's worth the money. Some sandals made with plactic sole and cheap material for £100 = BLOODY HELL! New Rock boots with all the lovely padding and metal bits for £100 = fair. Though I don't have New Rocks o.o I have Trashvilles, I kinda cheap slightly different version! :D

2005-07-22 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, Hot Topic is americanized.. but you could always go to to browse.

2005-07-22 [popeyethecat]: Hmm...that site doesn't seem very promising. I personally prefer velvet victorian & medieval stuff. How about you?

2005-07-22 [Arsenic and old lace]: hey there.... popey... try the dark theres one in new orleans and one in cali i think.... but their stuff is good

2005-07-23 [girl. interrupted.]: Woa...I leave for a day and there are 3 pages of convo. I must keep up with this thing more often. So, HIM. I can never forgive them for their absoloutely awful cover of 'Don't Fear The Reaper' originally by Blue Oyster Cult...I shudder to think of it.

2005-07-23 [AbLam]: No, the word 'cunt' doesn't offend me. Yeah I have never seen a hottopic store in Canada. Yeh I think I heard Don't Fear the Reaper cover by HIM...Blargh. What was with the girl in the background? She was absolutely tone-deaf.

2005-07-23 [girl. interrupted.]: Exactly. It drove me CRAZY!

2005-07-23 [AbLam]: topic. Anyone watch Smallville? The cheesiest show on the planet . But I still like some of it.

2005-07-23 [prima rosa]: this is the last ill say on the HIM topic. the blue oyster cults version was far too fast. the lyrics were so good, but they played it too fast. him slowed it down. and it sounded SO much better. but if ONLY they hadnt got that WOMAN too sing. you are right. she is frikkin tone deaf. i dont know what possessed them to use her. my cunt could have done a better job.

2005-07-23 [AbLam]: I liked Blue Oyster Cult's version. I thought Ville Valo's opera voice sounded TOTALLY out of place. Good point on the woman thing...hehehee.

2005-07-24 [.that is when the world will end.]: HAHHAHAAA! you guys are dumb! HIM sux! and woh the hell is bleu oyster cult i like 2 listen 2 AFI an EMINEM btw did you one of you people report me to da guardds cuz they made me take stuff off my house. narcsissit isnt cool she/;he just finks he/she is. so BURN

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Your idiocy makes me smile. =) First of all, I was not advocating any band, simply stating my enjoyment of Ville Valo's voice. Second, Blue Oyster Cult was a band that apparently did the original version to one of HIM's covers. Third, the fact that you like those two bands just proves your utmost hypocrosy in insulting others. You seem to be one of those who claim that everyone is a poseur for liking a certain band, but then you claim to like some band of the same nature (i.e. AFI vs. HIM) because you enjoy the music. Finally, I dont think I'm cool, I just kick ass. Once again, your stupidity makes me smile. Keep up the good work. =)

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: Heh Heh Heh...who is this guy? He cracks me up...:)He has nothing to back up his point!

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: I know not, but as I said, his idiocy makes me smile. =)

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: I know, I mean how much of an impact can you really hvae with a name like 'sexxi hott sk8er boi69'? What, exactly?

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yep. Which is why I never used the words "sexi (or sexy)" "hott (or even hot)" "boi" and I never used numbers in my name. I find all of that idiotic. Especially the fact that 69 is his favourite sexual position *gag*

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: Yeah...I mean there is a limit on the information that we all need to receive!

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yes. I'm just ready for him to come out here and *try* to insult me again. ^^

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: As are we all.!

2005-07-24 [gothic~chica]: he ya we all hat HIM hahha

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, well, we all hate 'goffick' poseurs who claim to be such just from what they see online, or claim to hate something BECAUSE they think that by hating something stereotypical, they will be what they so desperately want to be. Quite amusing, little girl, arent you?

2005-07-24 [Keii]: ... I like HIM o.O

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: Hmm....actually I think she was following sk8er' boi's lead...and getting a reaction! Hehe He!

2005-07-24 [Keii]: I'm too lazy to read all that though... four lines up is enough for now...

2005-07-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Heh...I went to this wiki, Nancy's List of Terms Violators, and [gothic~chica] was on there like ten times. Here are her messages. 'Hi my name is moira.' 'Hooooo i lice in sckatcoon' and 'how was Canada Day'? Then again, [.that is when the world will end.] was on there too. You seriously must go there. His were hilariously lame. 'I am 197 pounds of pure muscle' etc. I mean, come on, look at his picture. We all know the reason he's on ET in the first place. *rolls eyes*

2005-07-24 [AbLam]: HEHE! I love that thing...the messages are retarded and often random.

2005-07-24 [gothic~chica]: [Lost in Illusions] you are a bitch. I wasn't trying to insult you by saying i liked HIM! Maybe you should shut the fuck up and be a liittle nicer to people!

2005-07-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Sorry, darling. I dont do "nice" unless I'm shown "nice" too. And for the record, I never insulted you, simply stated my dislike for those that claim to like (or hate) something to fit in. But, now that you've tried to provoke me, let the fighting begin. =)

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Well, technically she wasn't insulting you, she said that she hated HIM.

2005-07-25 [gothic~chica]: obviously i actually provoked you, because you want to engage me in fighting...

2005-07-25 [you all suk!!]: I'm back this is amnusin hehe

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Wow, once one bad speller comes out, all the bad spellers come out.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: yay. =) more fun. And, [gothic~chica], I was no provoked, though I'm just in the mood to fight. heh.

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Well, I think that stating her dislike of HIM, while kind of...well, retarded, had no need to start a fight...

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Narcissist....I seriously think we need a wiki just for you to fight with kids =) I'd watch it for sure =D

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: oooooooh, for MEEEE?? ^________________^

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Heh, nice smiley!!!!!! Yeah I would too..the 'battles' are very FUNNY!

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: YAY! I get a wiki devoted to me ^____^

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Okay how about we call it 'I hate children, to provoke these people!

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmmmm, I dunno...

2005-07-25 [you all suk!!]: Hello, my name is Godrick. I am extremely well-educated and adore Mozart. I have also tried every single religion known to man kind and felt them not to my liking due to their similar 'diety'. In fact, I am so well informed that I could kick you ass any day! P.S. I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism. Beat that, bitches.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: ooh, so impressive. I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Really, I havent tried to insult anyone initially. I only fight when provoked.

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: o-o what is up with people and defending themselves....things would be so much easier if they could just bow down and laugh and say "Oops! I made a typo!" Seriously...why do they have to start fights over it? *glares at Ravon person*

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe, thank you. I dont understand that, either.

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]:'s creepy. I'm an English major...but I don't freak out when people point out I spelled something wrong...because I can admit that I really don't care half the time. So...yeah. People have lots of pride issues. Narcissist, stay awesome.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: ^^ thanks. Yeah, I'm declared as an English major, but I need to change it.. to what, I dont know...

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: *hug* Anytime ^^

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I love to write, but I couldnt make that a profession.. I just think that if I had to write, then it'd ruin the fun from it. 

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: I can't stand journalism and such =/ I'm just going for this major because writing is something I love and am passionate about. I'm going to be an author someday...but the only career in writing I'd ever take is being a novelist. I love writing novels.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I love writing stuff like editorials.. ya know, biased and insuliting pieces of shit that everyone seems to love. hehe.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: everyone except who it's insulting, of course.

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: XD that seems to fit you dear. You should write editorials about's the best thing ever...expecially since you're getting away with seriously discrediting people o-o

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmm, perhaps. I'm going to try to get into the magazine at the college, which I'm moving to in about 3 weeks... three weeks... oh, it's going to be great.

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Are you going to be one of those frat kids? x.x Or a Dormy???

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: oh, hell fucking no. I am me. Not a "fratboy" Not a "dormkid" I am just what I need to be. Offended? Oh well. *not you, others*

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